lama x update blog..nk recall things happened is quite pening laa..well..mane yg ingat la oki..
25th march was my bday..i received wishes from my fmily and sis in law..hubby bought me a beautiful diamond ring..tenkiu dear..u know my bg mama ape? zara bagi mama happiness :)
now keje bz giloss...we r now in the mess of internal audit for a mnth..haiyoo...very suspens..ekkekkeke..besides that, need to prepare some reports..the deadlines are almost at the same time..hmm...then time ni la kne gi course tomorrow until thurs, me kene gi course kt ilsas..but then thurs pagi ade meeting lak kat HQ the whole morning..kene attend gak..lps tu rush back to ilsas to continue the course..friday lak pack..mencik...
rase cm nk g holiday....talking about holiday, we all dh booking hotel @ genting..ehehehehe..nak pergi 2nd wk of may..bagik zara rase tmot sejuk..hahahhaa...then maybe ade indoor games yg dh bole zara main ke kann..
ermm..1 more thing, i've started my gym class last wk..ahahhahaha...pakai personal instructor lagik..kui..x la mahal sgt sbb pakai office gym..instructor pun staff gak..huhuhu..hrp2 kuatla semangatku ini...hehehehe...dh benci tgk diri sndiri...mcm king kong bergerak...hahhahahaha...
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