Wednesday, July 15, 2009

tag qq

tag dr qq..naw buat la..ekekekke

Write 5 interesting facts about the person who gave you this award

- kawan kenal kat
- sorang yg rajin berforum n berblog..ekekke
- housewife wif one son..very the cutie..
- luv her mole..sweeetttttt..
- stay in jb..hik hik...

Jot down 10 interesting facts about yourself of your hobbies.

- people call me laily, leli, AD, baby, lilott, doraemon..errr..kadang byk lagi..
- suke berangan jadik housewife kalau keje..tapi bila duk rumah lama2 slalu merungut busan..cmne nih cik leli..ishh ishh..
- suke berangan..buleh dok diam cam batu berjam lamanya sbb berangan..
- suke buat kptsn other way, slalu x pk panjang...hehehe (contradict la ngan hubby aku..sbb tu leh partner kot..huhuhu)
ade anak nama zara..yg prangainye same cam mama dia..gedikk..ngade2..smua la..prangai fotostat..pening kepala hubbyku...wahahahaha
- sangat penakut..ekekkeke
- cerewet psl compromy okiess...
dulu sgt suke baca sejak kwin, takde mase lgsg dh..kesian novel2ku yg berkotak2 itew...tunggu zara baca la nanti..keh keh keh..iyo laa tu...kuiii..
- suke makan..heheheh
- ckp tak serupa bikin kdg2..cth la kan..kdg kata bln ni nk bajet sbb x cukup duit..tup2 esok tension..trus gi shopping mcm2..huhuhu...camno tu??ekekkeke\
- suke kat tmpt sejuk2..tmpt pns2..crowded..reject...ekekekkeke...
- suke bli mainan utk zara..hhehehhee...


Pick your 10 most deserving receipients and describe them

sape yek??

yan - suke baca blog dia
tya - ex PA papaku..kekeke
my followers - coz supporting my blog


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