alhamdulillah...i'm pregnant now..dah nak masuk 7 weeks...walaupun me agak weak utk my 1st pregnancy (sampai warded hehehe), but it's ok...for my baby... :)
*cepat besar & semoga sihat ye anak mama..daddy dah tak sabar dah tu ;)
Monday, December 24, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
new life
dah 23 hari rupanya jadi wife far alhamdulillah...he's the right man for me :) ...a bit tiring..maybe sebab tak hilang penat lagi after all those kenduris..hehehehe..sejak balik dr honeymoon hari tu, badan still tak berapa sihat..suara pun belum normal...i/Allah, will try to be the best wife for him, i/Allah di dunia & di akhirat...and also the best mama for our kids :)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
God pls help me!!.. i dun think i can stand it anymore..bape byk lagi pengorbanan yg aku perlu lakukan???
Thursday, October 18, 2007
makin dekat..makin rase pelik..tahhh..kdg pikir betul ke dah nak kawin nie..kdg rase cam tak ready..kdg rase cam dah ready..haiii...byk tul setan2 yang dok ganggu nih..errrmm...kdg rase cam moody...kdg leh control..kdg xleh control..sib baik la so far smua under control..kdg aku penyabar..kdg dia penyabar..
cam x caye lak...lagi 14 hari aku akan jadi wife mimpi lak..dulu mase zaman ;gelap'..penah terpikir takmau kawin...fobia gila pasal kawin2 nie..maklumlaa..experience aku smuanya tah laa..dah jodoh agaknye..dia pakcik ni jadik lain lak..pdhal dah kenal dia quite x penah terpikir lgsg akn kawin dgn dia..even penah berjanji hnya akan jd wife ps seorang tu sape kita nak tolak kuasa Allah...finally akan kawin dgn org yg kita tak penah terlintas langsung...bercinta bertahun2 dgn org akhirnya kawin dgn org yang kita betul2 anggap kwn je...pelik..tapi benar...
* rase sgt takut skrg *
cam x caye lak...lagi 14 hari aku akan jadi wife mimpi lak..dulu mase zaman ;gelap'..penah terpikir takmau kawin...fobia gila pasal kawin2 nie..maklumlaa..experience aku smuanya tah laa..dah jodoh agaknye..dia pakcik ni jadik lain lak..pdhal dah kenal dia quite x penah terpikir lgsg akn kawin dgn dia..even penah berjanji hnya akan jd wife ps seorang tu sape kita nak tolak kuasa Allah...finally akan kawin dgn org yg kita tak penah terlintas langsung...bercinta bertahun2 dgn org akhirnya kawin dgn org yang kita betul2 anggap kwn je...pelik..tapi benar...
* rase sgt takut skrg *
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
skrg ni asik shopping je..nape tah dah jadik gila shopping...dulu suke ngutuk org yg ske shopping nie..but now..aku lak gila shopping...hahahahaha...kwn2 kata perubahan hormon kot..dah jadik ladylike...erkk...euwwww..wakakakakka...
well..things that i bought @ aussie last week:-
~ night dresses (bli 4..ahhahahaa...kakak aku sure nyakat coz tau aku beli utk ape.. ;p)
~ blouse
~ jeans (2 pairs)
~ pants (3 pairs)
~ guess handbag
~ sandal
~ undergourment..oppsss.. ;p
~ sunglasses
~ Clinique make up travel set
~ issey miyake perfume (1 set consists of 4 botols..keh keh keh)
~ perfume for my dad (hugo boss)
~ cigarrette for my dad n fiance
~ boomerang for my fiance
iskk.. is it a transformation?? *toink*
* 15 days more to go *
well..things that i bought @ aussie last week:-
~ night dresses (bli 4..ahhahahaa...kakak aku sure nyakat coz tau aku beli utk ape.. ;p)
~ blouse
~ jeans (2 pairs)
~ pants (3 pairs)
~ guess handbag
~ sandal
~ undergourment..oppsss.. ;p
~ sunglasses
~ Clinique make up travel set
~ issey miyake perfume (1 set consists of 4 botols..keh keh keh)
~ perfume for my dad (hugo boss)
~ cigarrette for my dad n fiance
~ boomerang for my fiance
iskk.. is it a transformation?? *toink*
* 15 days more to go *
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
SeLamaT HaRi raYa aiDilFitRi
Hari ni last day keje..i'm taking 1/2 day today coz tak packing lagi...esok pagi lepas sahur dah nak ke airport..takut mlm nanti tak sempat..brg2 masak nak bwk sana pun tak beli lagi..i/Allah hari raya hari sabtu ni (13 Oct 07) guys, selamat hari raye...maaf zahir batin..
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Eppy Burpday Laily Marlisa!!
3/10/07 was my lil sis 20th birthday..i managed to call her at night to wish her..before that we've celebrated her bday when she was here last week. Me & my fiance suprised her with bday cake & flowers.. i will buy my personal gift for her during her long break this december..she wants the latest apple I-pod..hehehehe..boleh laa..mase tu hopefully bonus pun dah masuk..hahahahahaha...anyway heppy belated bday cica..sory lambat post dalam giler ahhh...lagi lak end of financial year camnih...iskk...
* 28 days more to go *
* 28 days more to go *
Sunday, September 30, 2007
lamanye tak tulis blog..hehehehe...byk actually nak cerita cuma takde mase nak tulis...i've been quite bz the past few lil sis balik from byk family xtvts laa...went out la..makan2 laa..yesterday she went back to aussie...yesterday afternoon i started back with my personal xtvts..e.g bought baju melayu for my nephew, barang2 for raye, barang2 for my wedding & buka pose wif my fiance kat luar smlm..this week akan bz balik siapkan the gift..this weekend if my fiance tak bz, maybe balik kampung..just jumpa his family before raye since me akan balik raye sana lambat seminggu..ohh lupa lak..lambat sebab next friday (12/10), i'm going to aussie..raye wif my lil sis...tapi kejap je..i'll be home on 15/10..this weekend pun ingat nak hantar brg2 hantaran kat la coz dh dekat kan..nak tgk gak camne preparation kat sana..pening..pening..
* 32 days more to go.. *
* 32 days more to go.. *
Monday, September 10, 2007
Ramadhan is coming...insyaAllah we r going to start fasting on the 13th...will this be the last Ramadhan for me?
Monday, September 3, 2007
i've learnt through the hard ways, i've been through all the heactics in life, i've learnt so much through my experiences although i'm just 27....well..when i was young, i always asked myself, WHY ME?? WHY US??....i always hope miracle will happen... i always asked myself "ada ke hikmah di sebalik semua ni?"...but now i understand...alhamdulillah..that's the only word that i can say....mylife is getting better right now.... i believe that "kita diuji sebab Tuhan sayangkan kita dan Tuhan takkan menguji di luar kemampuan hambanya"...cuma sometimes i really miss mylife 15 years ago..when i still have the people that i love around me...well..past is must go on...but i still miss and really miss those people A LOT...really hope we can get back togetter but i know it's impossible..really impossible..i just can pray to God that "Janganlah aku diuji lagi..cukuplah"...
Sunday, September 2, 2007
i've been observing and kindly tried to understand several times...BUT..everything has its this time i couldn't tolerate anymore..u really want it..well, u'll get it!
what type of person are u? keep on disturbing, psycho other people..try to make people feel sorry for you..for all the mistake u've done..and keep on praying that u'll get back something u let go before..idiot!! well babe, u are messing with a wrong person..hahahaha...unfortunately, wrong timing gak la kot..since i'm not in a good mood today..and i accidently caught 'yours' do u feel rite now babe? stupido!! actually i'm not that type of person..but sometimes u do feel that u can't stand it anymore... if u want it..u can have it..there's no big deal for me..but be professional..face the reality..not hiding somewhere..using other peoples' number..this is annoying...why are u so damn affraid to face the fact?? the reality? damn u woman!!..don't u ever try again..or i'll give u 'something' that u'll never ever think of..hahahahaha..
*am i being so cruel tis time?*
*nope! it's a NO*
*really..really sure on wat i'm doing*
*important note: don't mess around wif me..i have my own strength that will never across ur mind..bare in mind!*
what type of person are u? keep on disturbing, psycho other people..try to make people feel sorry for you..for all the mistake u've done..and keep on praying that u'll get back something u let go before..idiot!! well babe, u are messing with a wrong person..hahahaha...unfortunately, wrong timing gak la kot..since i'm not in a good mood today..and i accidently caught 'yours' do u feel rite now babe? stupido!! actually i'm not that type of person..but sometimes u do feel that u can't stand it anymore... if u want it..u can have it..there's no big deal for me..but be professional..face the reality..not hiding somewhere..using other peoples' number..this is annoying...why are u so damn affraid to face the fact?? the reality? damn u woman!!..don't u ever try again..or i'll give u 'something' that u'll never ever think of..hahahahaha..
*am i being so cruel tis time?*
*nope! it's a NO*
*really..really sure on wat i'm doing*
*important note: don't mess around wif me..i have my own strength that will never across ur mind..bare in mind!*
last saturday we bought our wedding rings at habib..hehehheh..i love those rings...wanna see the pics?? ooppsss..have to wait after the wedding la eh...errrr..BTW..60 days more to go...gUUllLLPPppp...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
last friday i went out wif my friends during lunch break...they brought me to "Warisan Ibunda Melayu" in's a pre-post natal centre..i just went there to check on my womb & fertility...keh keh keh..alhamdulillah..everything is fine...but the most important thing is that i finally knew where i can get that kind of service in KL for my future confinement period..well, as u know, my mom dah sape lagi nak take care of me during my confinement nanti..i definitely don't wanna to stay at my hubby's kampung for that period..i wanna him to be by my side..lagipun it's better for him to learn so that for our future kids, he'll know how to take care of me..hehehehe...cuma the cost is quite high..they have in-house & away service..for 44 days service, it will cost around RM8000+...gulppp...but it's ok dad pun suka dgn that service..well.... kene pikir back-up plan la of my friend who's going to deliver this coming december ni pun planned to get someone from terengganu just to take care of her during her i can get some info from her too...well, nampaknye dalam my siblings, takde sape pun yang sempat my late mom jaga during confinement..ape nak buat...errmm....anyway, tomorrow is thursday...yiippiiii..can't wait to send gift for my mom...last week tak dpt..but alhamdulillah ade tahlil utk arwah last week..
errr...agaknya bila kita nak buat benda baik...setan ske ganggu yek...tapi camne pun kene control..makin dekat..makin byk dugaan...maklumla nk wat bnda far alhamdulillah...smua under control...erkkk...65 days more to go..aiyoo...
esok i'm takin leave..actually my off-in lieu leave laa..coz mase pegi team building hari tu, me entitle to get 1 amik esok plan nak gi bank jap...then mlm if jadi, nak keluar tgk merdeka celebration wif my fiance..tu pun if x hujan...if hujan lepak umah je..then the rest of the weekend, siapkan wedding gift...berlambak lagi..isskkk...baru siap 1 kotak..then beli wedding ring for both of us...haaaa..yang ni tak sabar...keh keh keh...coz i really luv ring...kui kui kui...lagipun 2nd sept ni last day habib sales...cuma for him not sure nak beli ring ape..plantinum bleh pakai kan? if i'm not mistaken laa..if suasa, he can wear..but tak cantik sgt la...coz the color is similar with yellow gold...eeuuuwww...takpelaa...kita tgk nanti..we plan to go to habib main showroom in ampang...sebab nak dpt more variety choice? ntah..maybe nak triology..but taktau la if dah sampai sana nanti rambang mata..hahhahaha...kdg plan beli lain..lastly beli yang lain..keh keh keh...
errr...agaknya bila kita nak buat benda baik...setan ske ganggu yek...tapi camne pun kene control..makin dekat..makin byk dugaan...maklumla nk wat bnda far alhamdulillah...smua under control...erkkk...65 days more to go..aiyoo...
esok i'm takin leave..actually my off-in lieu leave laa..coz mase pegi team building hari tu, me entitle to get 1 amik esok plan nak gi bank jap...then mlm if jadi, nak keluar tgk merdeka celebration wif my fiance..tu pun if x hujan...if hujan lepak umah je..then the rest of the weekend, siapkan wedding gift...berlambak lagi..isskkk...baru siap 1 kotak..then beli wedding ring for both of us...haaaa..yang ni tak sabar...keh keh keh...coz i really luv ring...kui kui kui...lagipun 2nd sept ni last day habib sales...cuma for him not sure nak beli ring ape..plantinum bleh pakai kan? if i'm not mistaken laa..if suasa, he can wear..but tak cantik sgt la...coz the color is similar with yellow gold...eeuuuwww...takpelaa...kita tgk nanti..we plan to go to habib main showroom in ampang...sebab nak dpt more variety choice? ntah..maybe nak triology..but taktau la if dah sampai sana nanti rambang mata..hahhahaha...kdg plan beli lain..lastly beli yang lain..keh keh keh...
am i important for ......??
no i'm NOT...
coz i'm an UGLY DUCKLING...."gggrrrrrr.."
jangan dekat atau jangan datang kepadaku lagi
aku semakin terseksa kerana tak memilikimu
ku cuba jalani hari dengan pengganti dirimu
tapi hatiku selalu berpihak lagi padamu
mengapa semua ini terjadi kepadaku
tuhan maafkan diri ini
yang tak pernah bisa menjauh dari angan tentangnya
namun apalah daya ini
bila ternyata sesungguhnya aku terlalu cinta dia
this is one of my fav rossa..title "terlalu cinta"..i really luv tis song coz the melody is so beautiful & the lyrics ..errr..the lyrics is.....well, u guys might wondering why am i so into tis song..the reason is simple...coz it really touches me...
*emotional..uncertainty..feeling down*
no i'm NOT...
coz i'm an UGLY DUCKLING...."gggrrrrrr.."
jangan dekat atau jangan datang kepadaku lagi
aku semakin terseksa kerana tak memilikimu
ku cuba jalani hari dengan pengganti dirimu
tapi hatiku selalu berpihak lagi padamu
mengapa semua ini terjadi kepadaku
tuhan maafkan diri ini
yang tak pernah bisa menjauh dari angan tentangnya
namun apalah daya ini
bila ternyata sesungguhnya aku terlalu cinta dia
this is one of my fav rossa..title "terlalu cinta"..i really luv tis song coz the melody is so beautiful & the lyrics ..errr..the lyrics is.....well, u guys might wondering why am i so into tis song..the reason is simple...coz it really touches me...
*emotional..uncertainty..feeling down*
Sunday, August 26, 2007
aku wanita yang punya cinta di hati
ada dirimu dan dirinya dalam hidupku
mengapa terlambat cintamu telah termiliki
sedang diriku dengan dia tak begitu cinta
mengapa yang lain bisa mendua dengan mudahnya
namun kita terbelenggu dalam ikatan tanpa cinta
atas nama cinta hati ini tak mungkin terbahagi
sampai nanti bila aku mati
cinta ini hanya untuk engkau
atas nama cinta kurelakan jalanku merana
asal engkau akhirnya denganku
ku bersumpah atas nama cinta
really luv this song...
ada dirimu dan dirinya dalam hidupku
mengapa terlambat cintamu telah termiliki
sedang diriku dengan dia tak begitu cinta
mengapa yang lain bisa mendua dengan mudahnya
namun kita terbelenggu dalam ikatan tanpa cinta
atas nama cinta hati ini tak mungkin terbahagi
sampai nanti bila aku mati
cinta ini hanya untuk engkau
atas nama cinta kurelakan jalanku merana
asal engkau akhirnya denganku
ku bersumpah atas nama cinta
really luv this song...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
i'm sick again..why? as usual..i'm really tired..i reached here from sabah around 2am 18/8/07..12pm on the same day, i have to go to my kursus kawin & it ended yesterday at now u understand why i'm so tired? and..i can't take leave for the whole this week coz of office commitment ... mama..i need a break :(
Monday, August 13, 2007
Last weekend i went to my abg's hometown to settle our andam package..the price is so different compared to mine in KL..i wish i can get that range of price here..isskkk...mahalnye kat KL ni eh..
before that, before we reached his house, we went to Ayer Itam for window shopping..but as usual, me tak reti nak window2 terus beli gift utk guests (for the nikah ceremony)..very nice..original price rm7..but after less, rm3.50 per item..i bought 230 pieces..then on our way back to kl, singgah ke Nilai 3...i bought gift for guest (reception)..original price is rm2.90 per item, but after less, managed to get rm2 per i bought 1300 ...then i bought bunga telur..very nice..color white & silver..cost me almost rm200 for 150 batang..overall last wknd (2 days) i've spent almost rm3000 just for the gift & bunga after akan pening + penat utk siapkan gift utk guest kat dewan..have to wrap the potpouri with the kain net, ikat with riben, then masuk dalam bekas besi kerawang yg me beli..nak kene buat 1300 lak tuh..iskk...tu belum masuk include sticker nama kitaorg lagik tu..hmmm..pity me..luckily my papa agreeed wif my choice utk gifts tu..hehehhe..well..dia tau i got good taste ;p
BTW, i'll be out of town (outstation) from tomorrow until friday..haiyo ade keje la..iskk..i'm so tired..when can i have a break? ermmm :(
before that, before we reached his house, we went to Ayer Itam for window shopping..but as usual, me tak reti nak window2 terus beli gift utk guests (for the nikah ceremony)..very nice..original price rm7..but after less, rm3.50 per item..i bought 230 pieces..then on our way back to kl, singgah ke Nilai 3...i bought gift for guest (reception)..original price is rm2.90 per item, but after less, managed to get rm2 per i bought 1300 ...then i bought bunga telur..very nice..color white & silver..cost me almost rm200 for 150 batang..overall last wknd (2 days) i've spent almost rm3000 just for the gift & bunga after akan pening + penat utk siapkan gift utk guest kat dewan..have to wrap the potpouri with the kain net, ikat with riben, then masuk dalam bekas besi kerawang yg me beli..nak kene buat 1300 lak tuh..iskk...tu belum masuk include sticker nama kitaorg lagik tu..hmmm..pity me..luckily my papa agreeed wif my choice utk gifts tu..hehehhe..well..dia tau i got good taste ;p
BTW, i'll be out of town (outstation) from tomorrow until friday..haiyo ade keje la..iskk..i'm so tired..when can i have a break? ermmm :(
Thursday, August 9, 2007
my aunt called my when i was in a meeting just now..she's asking on the preparation....finally after i asked her on how to 'rebus' a good telur..then she offered her help...ermmm...
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Things settled as at 080807...
- ballroom reservation
- baju for reception (with package)
- baju for nikah (with package)
- catering for nikah & reception
- canopy for nikah
- make-up package for nikah & reception
- selection of wedding invitation card (to finalize)
- emcee (reception)
- photographer (both events)
- baju for my lil sis
- rental of dulang hantaran
- PIC for gubahan hantaran
- guests list
- hantaran (baru 1..iskkk..)
ermm...there are so many things more un-settle yet...haiiiyyooo... :(
- ballroom reservation
- baju for reception (with package)
- baju for nikah (with package)
- catering for nikah & reception
- canopy for nikah
- make-up package for nikah & reception
- selection of wedding invitation card (to finalize)
- emcee (reception)
- photographer (both events)
- baju for my lil sis
- rental of dulang hantaran
- PIC for gubahan hantaran
- guests list
- hantaran (baru 1..iskkk..)
ermm...there are so many things more un-settle yet...haiiiyyooo... :(
I hate the feeling of getting sick...i am right now..with my body temperature, flu, coughing..hmmm...the cause?? simple..coz i'm too tired..tired..tired..PLUS..too worried on the preparation..nothing so far that is crystal clear to me at the moment..arrgghhhh...feel like to scream.... wish my mama is here :( i 200% guarantee that i won't be in this situation if my mama still's totally different when you are in this situation but your family is around supporting you compared to mine rite now..the only person around are my dad & my fiance..but sometimes the chemistry isn't there between me & my dad..the only person i can express all my feeling is my abg (fiance laa) sad i am on the preparation, how worried i am on tired i am right now...EVERYTHING...imagine you are organizing your own wedding in such a very big event ALONE?? can you?...PLUS with no experience at all??.. with the total number of guests almost 1800, with those protocols..arrggHHhhhhHHHhhh...God please help me..i'm feeling so down right now.. :( :(
* miss my mama* :(
* miss my mama* :(
this is my wedding!! i wedding!!..BUT....
arrrghhhhhHHHHhhhhh...hate those people... :( :(
arrrghhhhhHHHHhhhhh...hate those people... :( :(
Monday, August 6, 2007 to spend more time coz time now is very valueable..with the heatic preparation...i've tried to accomodate my time the best that i can..but frustrated.. :(
*really frustrated* :( :( :(
errmm..BTW, tomorrow's plan for shopping wif him has been cancelled..well..dia ade futsal match (argghh!!!!!!!!!!..why now??) hmmm..ok will still go somewhere..but still dunno where..thinking of to cut short my hair (frust??..hahahahahahha) DAMN!!!!...but i'll go somewhere..that's for SURE... *sob sob* well..nxt week is going to be wasted coz nothing can be ape...sume dh dekat...xleh nak wat ape...hahahahahhaa..keh keh keh..kui kui kui.. *sob sob*...
p/s:..why sometimes people dun realize how valueable the time is at this moment...hmmmmm
*really frustrated* :( :( :(
errmm..BTW, tomorrow's plan for shopping wif him has been cancelled..well..dia ade futsal match (argghh!!!!!!!!!!..why now??) hmmm..ok will still go somewhere..but still dunno where..thinking of to cut short my hair (frust??..hahahahahahha) DAMN!!!!...but i'll go somewhere..that's for SURE... *sob sob* well..nxt week is going to be wasted coz nothing can be ape...sume dh dekat...xleh nak wat ape...hahahahahhaa..keh keh keh..kui kui kui.. *sob sob*...
p/s:..why sometimes people dun realize how valueable the time is at this moment...hmmmmm
The MaraThon BegiNs...
semlm dah start pening..pening in sense of the preparation..starting from yesterday, the preparation will be all out coz time limitation..well..dah tak sampai 3 bln lagik...aiyarakkk!!..
yesterday right after work, me & abg went to jln TAR..we went there to bought kain for my lil sis at Gulatis for my events..i bought 2 kains (pink & blue) & planned to send for tailoring today right after work..but today i'll be goin' alone as my abg will be having his table tennis training kat opis...after that went to tempah our baju nikah at pertama the our baju expected to siap on 3/10/07 but the tailor will call me before that to confirm on the color of my manik2..hehehehhe...
then we went to survey for our wedding card (abg's side)..the pakcik was really nice (tak paksa2 pun we all beli dgn dia..the price pun was really reasonable) finally we decided to take the card & abg will go there during lunch time today to confirm on our names & draft of dah tak percaya pulak dah tempah wedding card...dah nak dekat kawin ye? ermmm...takutnye.. :(...hik hik..;p
after that we had our dinner..tengah2 dinner tetiba decide nak ke sogo coz abg tetiba nak carik kasut nk pakai keje & mase nikah..lerr...that time was already 9.15pm..ermm..redah je laaa..when we reached there, the store was still usual coz my abg ni very fussy..pilih punye pilih punye pilih..tang nak mintak size yg berkenan lak tetiba mamat jaga kasut tu kata dah takleh amik size tu coz store dah tutup..sogo dah announce nak tutup..frust abg..keh keh keh...tu lerr...pilih lama sgt...kan dah terlepas..;p me lak yang tetiba sempat shopping brg hantaran utk dia..hehehehehhe..kita yg tak plan ape lak yang beli...kui kui kui...takpe laa...we planned to go there again tomorrow..coz mmg dah kene start shopping hantaran pun..lagipun next mnth sale dah abih *sob sob*...
on the way back my kepala cam nak pecah..terpaksa stop tepi jln coz tak tahan..migrain...and tambah lak me was so tired coz takde rest..abg pun stop (dia drive blkg my car coz our home dekat jer)...after me mkn ubat skit..then ok skit slow2 balik..but abg ikut my car sampai umah risau me tgh biol dah ok skit..but still feel very very TIRED!!...huwarrgghhhh..i need a break!!! i need rest!!... :(
yesterday right after work, me & abg went to jln TAR..we went there to bought kain for my lil sis at Gulatis for my events..i bought 2 kains (pink & blue) & planned to send for tailoring today right after work..but today i'll be goin' alone as my abg will be having his table tennis training kat opis...after that went to tempah our baju nikah at pertama the our baju expected to siap on 3/10/07 but the tailor will call me before that to confirm on the color of my manik2..hehehehhe...
then we went to survey for our wedding card (abg's side)..the pakcik was really nice (tak paksa2 pun we all beli dgn dia..the price pun was really reasonable) finally we decided to take the card & abg will go there during lunch time today to confirm on our names & draft of dah tak percaya pulak dah tempah wedding card...dah nak dekat kawin ye? ermmm...takutnye.. :(...hik hik..;p
after that we had our dinner..tengah2 dinner tetiba decide nak ke sogo coz abg tetiba nak carik kasut nk pakai keje & mase nikah..lerr...that time was already 9.15pm..ermm..redah je laaa..when we reached there, the store was still usual coz my abg ni very fussy..pilih punye pilih punye pilih..tang nak mintak size yg berkenan lak tetiba mamat jaga kasut tu kata dah takleh amik size tu coz store dah tutup..sogo dah announce nak tutup..frust abg..keh keh keh...tu lerr...pilih lama sgt...kan dah terlepas..;p me lak yang tetiba sempat shopping brg hantaran utk dia..hehehehehhe..kita yg tak plan ape lak yang beli...kui kui kui...takpe laa...we planned to go there again tomorrow..coz mmg dah kene start shopping hantaran pun..lagipun next mnth sale dah abih *sob sob*...
on the way back my kepala cam nak pecah..terpaksa stop tepi jln coz tak tahan..migrain...and tambah lak me was so tired coz takde rest..abg pun stop (dia drive blkg my car coz our home dekat jer)...after me mkn ubat skit..then ok skit slow2 balik..but abg ikut my car sampai umah risau me tgh biol dah ok skit..but still feel very very TIRED!!...huwarrgghhhh..i need a break!!! i need rest!!... :(
Sunday, August 5, 2007

A very tiring hell..iskkk..i just came back from by team building program..i was reallyt enjoyed but too tired...hik hik hik..well..just to cap the programs, we reached PD around 4pm on friday..then after checked-in, i went down to play volleyball & beach soccer with my friends..actually we were free that time & can organize anything that we my friends especially the guys wanted to play volleyball & soccer and asked us to join we was really fun..and i was like lupa sense of 'lupa kaki' ler coz my ankle kan tak baik bengkak la balik..kui kui kui...that nite after our dinner & class, we had our karaoke contest..hehhehehe..i sang 1 song..keh keh malu when all of them were looking at me...ihiksss...
the next day after class around 6pm, we had our tele-matches..byk gak game lupe dunia lagik..ahhahahaha..the worst game was tarik tali lerr...sebab my kaki was hurt badly after that..waakakakakakkaa...
mlm tu, after class we just played UNO in my friend's room..although we were so asleep, but we still continued playing until smua color kad tak nampak color dah..terbiol-biol mata....barula we stopped..hehehehhe...
on sunday, after lunch we went abg fetch me at my office and he teman me rest kat rumah..tgk tv & borak-borak ...rindu... ;p
Thursday, August 2, 2007
it was a very long discussion between me, my abg & the planner on our wedding..keh keh keh...ade his ideas yang been rejected by me, & ade mine yg been rejected too...BUT..most of my ideas been accepted & he was impressed that i do know very details on every single thing for the future if u require the planner service, pls do make a research first, so that they won't kelentong u...kelentong in sense that ade certain benda that u tak payah ade, but they said u should have.,.well, of coz it will increase your cost like mine yesterday, im quite satisfied (so far) now i'm waiting for him to discuss wif my dad on the budget..then to discuss back wif me on the final proposal...muehhehehee....
psssttt..hope my dad agreed wif my choice of the wedding card..kui kui kui...
psssttt..hope my dad agreed wif my choice of the wedding card..kui kui kui...
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
i'll be meeting syam (the planner) tonite wif my dad & my fiance..he'll be coming over to my house & we will be discussing on the wedding event (nikah & reception). i asked him to bring along his proposal & his previous assignments for me to have a look..and of coz i'm goin' to show him mine too...ihiksss...well..i expect that tonite me & my dad will be arguing on the prepration..kui kui kui...of coz la...our taste is totally different..sure my dad akan keluar statemment "sape yang bayar?"..and me akan kuar statement "sape yang nak kawin?"..and ntah2 the planner akan kuar statement " hello..sape yang nak kene buat semua?"...kah kah kah...and my abg surely akan pening tgk kitaorg..ahahahahaha...well...well...nak kawin pun susah..tak kawin pun susah...haiyaaaa..wa manyak pening woo...
ihiksss..ape la jadik mlm ni eh??
ihiksss..ape la jadik mlm ni eh??
AparT Too.. ;p
we are going to have our karaoke contest tomorrow's part of our infromal team building activities..heheheheh..i'll join the contest..nak nyanyi lagu ape eh?? kui kui kui..told my abg about that..he jeles coz susah nak dgr me nyanyi.. tapi if depan org lain, me buleh nyanyi..depan dia..oopsss..lidahku kelu..wakakakakaka...ala..relax la voice is not good laa..wasting ur time je dengar..kah kah kah....
pssttt...wondering my little sis makan ape yek hari ni? :(
pssttt...wondering my little sis makan ape yek hari ni? :(
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
"PrOfeSsiOnaL" MAS..
huarrghhhh...wat a tiring & 'wonderful' experience wif MAS last friday wif my family..kah kah kah..guess wat..our tickets to perth on last friday were confirmed & purchased 2 weeks earlier..BUT..on the day we're supposed to fly (friday), we're informed that we (with 6 other passengers) had to change our flight to melbourne instead of to perth...reason?? coz the flight is overbooked...OVERBOOKED??? macam mane bule jadik cenggitu padahal tiket dah confirmed, and we reached the airport 2 hours before the departure time..and after a long (stupido) Q, we're told that the fight is hello??? i was really mad..and the option given to us was really stupid..the option was only that they will arrange a flight to melbourne, then we have to take a domestic flight (which we have to arrange by ourselves) to perth..and expected to reach perth around 11pm....whereas if we fly wif our 'overbooked' flight, we can just reach perth around way jose..wif the time gap between our arrival to melboune & depart to perth that is less than an hour..i dun think we cam make it..with the barang2...mau hilang nanti smua brg sblm sempat transfer to another flight...gila...MAS mmg gila...
dah la camtu...if we decide not to take the offer & want to take flight to perth on the next day, smua kene arrange sndiri..sng citer, mula2 MAS taknak bagi compensation..tapi lps kami smua ngamuk, termasuk nk buat report (coz ini ade kene mengena dgn rasuah..well..logiknye..kalau tiket kite dh confirm, dh beli, dh byr..tetiba depa kata kita x bleh naik coz overbooked, apa kes?? sape yg allow overbooking?? mana pegi our tickets?? bukan ke bermakna depa..i mean the counter people dah jual the tikets to org lain..yg might desparately 'need' the yang dianiaya sape?? so does that related to corruption?? )...bila kita dh reveal yg kita tau their dirty tactics, then barulah depa takut & agreed to pay the a result, each of us dpt rm400 (tiap sorang oki), then upgrade tickets to perth the next morning, free hotel for those decided to stay,and free limo service for those who decide to go back home (like us laa)..
but, for people like my family, yg pegi ke perth bukan utk holiday, but to settle my sis punye univ registration, all those compensation are not valuable...becoz as for us..we "NEED" to be there as schduled coz byk plan yg terganggu (eg. registration date, orientation day, subjects registration, etc) smuanya benda important yg bukan main2..we're so upset until i went to see one of the officer in-charge, and bgtau "MAS ni ibarat nak jual kuih raye, amik tempahan byk2..tapi tau x mampu nak deliver, tapi amik gak tempahan byk2, sebab nak untung, coz smua tau yg MAS tgh ade financial ape kes?"...the officer just kata minta maaf byk2..and as i mentioned, kitaorg dpt pampasan tu..but mcm i kata la..bukan pampasan yang kita heran..kita nak our plan on schedule...ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....felt like eating them mase tu...
so, we reached perth only on 28th july (saturday)... in my next post, i'll tell u guys on my next experience...wif the photos...
ermmm..really miss my sis..FYI, me demam today..rindu kot..iskkk... :( :(
dah la camtu...if we decide not to take the offer & want to take flight to perth on the next day, smua kene arrange sndiri..sng citer, mula2 MAS taknak bagi compensation..tapi lps kami smua ngamuk, termasuk nk buat report (coz ini ade kene mengena dgn rasuah..well..logiknye..kalau tiket kite dh confirm, dh beli, dh byr..tetiba depa kata kita x bleh naik coz overbooked, apa kes?? sape yg allow overbooking?? mana pegi our tickets?? bukan ke bermakna depa..i mean the counter people dah jual the tikets to org lain..yg might desparately 'need' the yang dianiaya sape?? so does that related to corruption?? )...bila kita dh reveal yg kita tau their dirty tactics, then barulah depa takut & agreed to pay the a result, each of us dpt rm400 (tiap sorang oki), then upgrade tickets to perth the next morning, free hotel for those decided to stay,and free limo service for those who decide to go back home (like us laa)..
but, for people like my family, yg pegi ke perth bukan utk holiday, but to settle my sis punye univ registration, all those compensation are not valuable...becoz as for us..we "NEED" to be there as schduled coz byk plan yg terganggu (eg. registration date, orientation day, subjects registration, etc) smuanya benda important yg bukan main2..we're so upset until i went to see one of the officer in-charge, and bgtau "MAS ni ibarat nak jual kuih raye, amik tempahan byk2..tapi tau x mampu nak deliver, tapi amik gak tempahan byk2, sebab nak untung, coz smua tau yg MAS tgh ade financial ape kes?"...the officer just kata minta maaf byk2..and as i mentioned, kitaorg dpt pampasan tu..but mcm i kata la..bukan pampasan yang kita heran..kita nak our plan on schedule...ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....felt like eating them mase tu...
so, we reached perth only on 28th july (saturday)... in my next post, i'll tell u guys on my next experience...wif the photos...
ermmm..really miss my sis..FYI, me demam today..rindu kot..iskkk... :( :(
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
ThiNgs 2 Do TodaY...
i'm planning to take half day afternoon i'll leave my office at 12.30pm today..plan to go to mdvalley then... things to buy/settle:
~ lunch 4 me & my sis
~ brand new digi cam (budget not more than RM500)
~ convert my money to AUS$ (RM1000)
~ new compact powder
then, i'll start pack my things @ home.
what else? then cook 4 dinner as my abg will come over tonite..and of coz help my sis for her final's hard to let her go actually.... :(
~ lunch 4 me & my sis
~ brand new digi cam (budget not more than RM500)
~ convert my money to AUS$ (RM1000)
~ new compact powder
then, i'll start pack my things @ home.
what else? then cook 4 dinner as my abg will come over tonite..and of coz help my sis for her final's hard to let her go actually.... :(
TeaM BuiLdiNg
just received letter on my team building will be held at the Corus Paradise Resort, PD...kat mana tah..well..yang tak best. cannot wear jeans!!!!...*sob sob*...tak bestnyerr..i was thinking like nanti i can wear jeans, my cartoon t-shirt, cap & boring...luckily it didn't mentioned that i cannot bring my bantal busuk..kuikuikui..watever laaa...yang penting kita enjoy!!!!!!!!...keh keh keh...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
mY EngagEmenT DaY..030607..

gamba mase my engagement on 3rd june youngest sis, my fiance, me (ahakss) & my papa...
p/s: gambar from left to right oki..
well..skrg ni tgh amat bz...lps my sister fly..kene all out utk wedding preparation..well..guess what..i'm going to do it alone wif my papa only..kuikuikui..pelik tak? hehehe..pelik2 pun ni kisah benar mom dah passed 2 sisters are in USA & sape lagi nak handle?? kah kah kah..hope tak terbongkang sakit udah ler..
ThE BegiNNinG..
Well..firstly ladies n gents..welcome to my 1st eva blog..muahahahha..kinda weird rite..well..this is me lor..i'm not really good (very very bad actually..ihikss) in technology..kikikikiki..well, besides the technology that involves my job lerr..ala..senang cerita..internet2 creating blog ni..tak terer la..ihiks.but dunno why so sudden feelin' like wanna have my own blog..maybe coz i like to write (or coz i'm really bored rote now..kekekkeke...syyhhh..nanti bos dgr)...kah kah everybody..welkam to my world!!!...yeehaaa!!!!!!!...
p/s: above is me lor...ihikss
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